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Stick Fighter

Stick Fighter is an action game where you need to defeat your opponent and claim victory. Use powerful counterattacks to defeat your opponent successfully.

What makes the game special?

The first special thing you can see is that the game offers a new and unique way of playing with many options. You can play alone or play with two characters at the same time. Many challenges are given to make you extremely excited about this action game. Stick Fighter offers a dramatic counterattack with competition to win the highest position, the most points possible. This is a worthy entertainment that you should experience right away with your friends. Check out more challenges in Bartender The Right Mix for more game details to help you become a pro.

How to defeat your opponent

Stick Fighter offers extremely attractive gameplay with dramatic and fierce battles between two characters. Your main task is to move the character with powerful counterattacks to defeat the opponent before they destroy you. To defeat successfully requires you to perform strategic gameplay tips and destruction skills.

Counterattack skills

Take advantage of every possible opportunity to attack your opponent in every way, and the game does not have any support for you to take advantage of. So use your intelligence to put into the game to have the most successful destruction strategy.

Quick response

In addition to special playing skills, you should also apply quick reflexes to your opponents. They can attack you at any time; even fierce attacks happen to you. To play successfully, you should take advantage of reflexes before your opponent to avoid stopping the game immediately. The opponents change from level to level, so they have dangerous attack tools that you don't have, so take advantage of quick reflexes to counter their counterattacks. Keep destroying all the opponent's health to win!

How to control Stick Fighter

Playing Stick Fighter is so easy that you can distinguish the characters. To experience the most interesting way, you can refer to the different control methods of the two characters to play to win the most.

First character control

  • With this first character, you just need to use the usual shortcut keys to play easily.
  • Use the left or right arrow keys to attack.
  • Up and down arrow keys to jump high.

Second character control

  • Use the WASD keys to control this character.
  • The A and S keys are for counterattacks.
  • Use the D and A keys to control high jumps.

Occasionally you do not jump too high to attack; just use the left and right shortcut keys to counterattack. Jumping too high makes you lose control of the force, and the opponent gets closer. In addition, you should control your character continuously to destroy all the opponent's blood. The faster you destroy, the more wins you have, and the score will gradually increase.