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Retro Bowl

Retro Bowl is an entertaining ball-catching game filled with a variety of new challenges. Catch the ball faster than your opponent to get closer to winning.

New challenges in Retro Bowl

There are challenges that correspond to different levels of play, depending on the level you reach. To conquer such difficult challenges, you need to overcome some obstacles that stand in your way. Take advantage of the tips from the game in Bartender The Right Mix to learn some more ways to successfully overcome the challenges.

Steal the ball from your opponent

For this Retro Bowl game, you have a huge task of stealing the ball from your opponent's hand and quickly

throwing it to the right target. Overcome all the challenges through different levels to get a high score to win over formidable opponents. The fastest way to steal the ball is to always be ready in every situation to be one step faster than your opponent. Don't lose the ball; when you lose, you will no longer have the chance to steal it back.

Throw the ball accurately

In addition to successfully stealing the ball in front of your opponent, you also use your absolutely accurate ball-throwing skills. Because when you throw the ball correctly, you can move to another and newer level of play that is upgraded. The challenges in the game are extremely interesting and attractive, requiring accurate ball-throwing skills to win.

The secret to victory

Retro Bowl takes you to a glorious victory through many different levels but requires elements to know and master to complete the mission.

Move carefully

In the first level, you need to move skillfully through the obstacles that block your way to the finish line. Therefore, to overcome these challenges, you need to move skillfully to avoid colliding with them. When colliding too much, the rate of ending the game is faster, so you need to move skillfully to slow down a bit to be safe.

Use your skills

In addition to having to move carefully, you also need to use the skills you have to apply to the game, such as thinking about aiming at the target accurately to throw the ball more accurately. Or creating safe directions to avoid losing the ball from the opponent. So the fastest way to win is to take advantage of the ability to conquer all levels of the game.


  • Arrow keys W and S are used to run forward.
  • A to roll down and throw.
  • Key D is used to move back.
  • Move the mouse to measure throwing speed.