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Level Devil

Level Devil controls the character through all the unexpected challenges. Utilize your skills to move safely and complete levels successfully.

What is the objective of the game?

This game is one of the extremely creative and curious games with unexpected challenges from the levels. Your goal is to move the character to jump over the unexpected challenges and run quickly to the door of the new level.

Besides, it also promises to bring you an extremely interesting and attractive way of playing before every new challenge, and you should experience it to increase your perseverance with every surprise.

How to pass all levels

The challenges in Level Devil include 16 different levels, and you need to overcome each level as a different challenge with different difficulty levels.

Observing the challenge

Although the challenge often moves unexpectedly, you should also observe and pay attention to control the character slowly to avoid being fooled. This is the observation factor that you should have to move to the destination safely and not end the game too soon as you think.

Try again several times

Level Devil makes you tense in the face of unexpected situations; sometimes unexpected challenges appear as soon as you move. To stay safe and get to the destination as quickly as possible, you can try again and then start a new experience. You don't always stop when you fail, but the game also lets you try again, so take advantage of it to overcome all the new levels. Besides, the game is very similar to the gameplay of Find the Difference, you can try again if you guess wrong or move the character that doesn't run through.

How to move

Be creative in your approach

Creativity is a necessary element to get you to victory as quickly as possible; it can be thinking of creative strategies to move. The destination is very close but full of danger, and you need to be creative to move safely.

Proper control

However, proper control is important, and here is the easiest way to control it:

  • Click to start the game.
  • Combine the left and up arrow keys to jump over obstacles.
  • Hold the mouse to stop.